Research Interests:
Health communication research
including implementation and evaluation of an FAS
prevention campaign, pretesting and scripting of
bioterrorism preparedness messages, risk
communication for environmental hazards,
entertainment media advocacy in areas of childhood
disease prevention, injury prevention, smoking, and
disaster preparedness. Additionally development of
multimedia health curricula for children, patients,
and providers.
Educational Background:
Sc.D., Behavioral Sciences,
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD
B.A., Barnard College, New
York, NY
Public Health and Health
Promotion Section, American Public Health
Association, Everett Rogers Award, 2012
Award, Fellow of the American
Academy of Health Behavior, American Academy of
Health Behavior, Honoring productive career in
Health Promotion and Health Behavior Change, 2009
Award, Public Health and
Health Promotion Section, American Public Health
Association, Mohan Singh Award, 2003
Fellowship, Delta Omega Public
Health Honorary Society, Alpha Chapter, 1994, Omega
Chapter 1995
Garcia, G, Prelip M, Glik, D, Eilers, K. Alcohol
Print Ads in One Low-Income Community in Central
California: Occurrence and Women’s Perceptions.
Californian Journal of Health Promotion.
Massey, P, Prelip, M, Glik, D, Afifi, A, Calimnim,
B, Nessim, S. Health literacy in the context of
publicly insured health care: an expanded
multidimensional measure. .
American Journal of Health Behavior .
Kelley A. Carameli, DrPH, CHES, David P. Eisenman,
MD, MSHS, Joy Blevins, MS, MPH, Brian d’Angona, MD,
MPH and Deborah C. Glik, ScD Planning for Chronic
Disease Medications in Disaster: Perspectives From
Patients, Physicians, Pharmacists, and Insurers.
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.
Massey, P, Glik, D , Prelip, ML, Quiter, E. Building
a robust definition of adolescent health literacy:
Examining attitudes and perceptions of adolescent
recipients of public insurance in California. .
Health Education Research. 2012.
Massey, P, Morawski B M, Rideau A, Glik D Health
Communication via New Media:An Internet-Based Peer
Community Dedicated to Health Information Created by
Youth in Dakar, Senegal.
Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing.
2009; 3.
Gonzales, RM, Glik, DC, Prelip, M, Bourque, L, Yuen,
J, Ang, A, Jones, MC Risk Perceptions and Behavioral
Intentions for Hepatitis B: How Do Young Adults
Fare? . Health Education Research 2006; 21(5):
Glik, DC , Kinsler, J, Todd, W, Clark, L, Fazio, K,
Miyashiro R, Perez, MW, Flores, RC Unintentional
Injury Depictions in Popular Children’s Television
Programs . Injury Prevention 2005; 11: 237-241.
Gonzales, R, Glik, D, Davoudi, M, Ang, A Media
Literacy and Public Health: Integrating Theory,
Research and Practice for Tobacco Control. American
Behavioral Scientist 2004; 48(2): 189-201.
Mekemson, C, Glik, DC, Titus, K, Myerson, A,
Shaivitz, A, Ang, Mitchell, S Tobacco use in popular
movies during the past decade. Tobacco Control 2004;
13: 400-402.
Gonzales Rachel, Anglin M Douglas, Beattie Rebecca,
Ong Chris Angelo, Glik Deborah C Understanding
recovery barriers: youth perceptions about substance
use relapse..
American journal of health behavior. 2012;
36(5): 602-14.
Gonzales Rachel, Anglin M Douglas, Beattie Rebecca,
Ong Chris Angelo, Glik Deborah C Perceptions of
chronicity and recovery among youth in treatment for
substance use problems..
The Journal of adolescent health : official
publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.
2012; 51(2): 144-9.
Stajura Michael, Glik Deborah, Eisenman David,
Prelip Michael, Martel Andrea, Sammartinova Jitka
Perspectives of community- and faith-based
organizations about partnering with local health
departments for disasters..
International journal of environmental research and
public health. 2012; 9(7): 2293-311.
Eisenman David P, Williams Malcolm V, Glik Deborah,
Long Anna, Plough Alonzo L, Ong Michael The public
health disaster trust scale: validation of a brief
Journal of public health management and practice :
JPHMP. 2012; 18(4): E11-8.
Massey Philip M, Prelip Michael, Calimlim Brian M,
Quiter Elaine S, Glik Deborah C Contextualizing an
expanded definition of health literacy among
adolescents in the health care setting..
Health education research. 2012; 18(4).
Langellier Brent A, Garza Jeremiah R, Glik Deborah,
Prelip Michael L, Brookmeyer Ron, Roberts Christian
K, Peters Anne, Ortega Alexander N Immigration
Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor
Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center
for Minority Public Health. 2012; 18(4).
Gonzales Rachel, Ang Alfonso, Glik Deborah C, Rawson
Richard A, Lee Stella, Iguchi Martin Y, Iguchi
Martin Y Quality of life among treatment seeking
methamphetamine-dependent individuals..
The American journal on addictions / American
Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and
Addictions. 2012; 20(4): 366-72.
Gonzales Rachel, Ang Alfonso, Marinelli-Casey
Patricia, Glik Deborah C, Iguchi Martin Y, Rawson
Richard A, Rawson Richard A Health-related quality
of life trajectories of methamphetamine-dependent
individuals as a function of treatment completion
and continued care over a 1-year period..
Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2009;
37(4): 353-61.
Eisenman David P, Glik Deborah, Gonzalez Lupe,
Maranon Richard, Zhou Qiong, Tseng Chi-Hong, Asch
Steven M Improving Latino disaster preparedness
using social networks..
American journal of preventive medicine. 2009;
37(6): 512-7.
Murphy Sheila T, Cody Michael, Frank Lauren B, Glik
Deborah, Ang Alfonso Predictors of Emergency
Preparedness and Compliance..
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness.
2009; 37(4).
Eisenman David P, Glik Deborah, Maranon Richard,
Gonzales Lupe, Asch Steven Developing a disaster
preparedness campaign targeting low-income Latino
immigrants: focus group results for project PREP..
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.
2009; 20(2): 330-45.
Eisenman David P, Zhou Qiong, Ong Michael, Asch
Steven, Glik Deborah, Long Anna Variations in
disaster preparedness by mental health, perceived
general health, and disability status..
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness.
2009; 3(1): 33-41.
Eisenman David P, Glik Deborah, Ong Michael, Zhou
Qiong, Tseng Chi-Hong, Long Anna, Fielding Jonathan,
Asch Steven Terrorism-related fear and avoidance
behavior in a multiethnic urban population..
American journal of public health. 2009; 99(1):
Wray Ricardo J, Becker Steven M, Henderson Neil,
Glik Deborah, Jupka Keri, Middleton Sarah, Henderson
Carson, Drury Allison, Mitchell Elizabeth W
Communicating with the public about emerging health
threats: lessons from the Pre-Event Message
Development Project..
American journal of public health. 2008; 98(12):
Glik Deborah C, Drury Allison, Cavanaugh Clint,
Shoaf Kimberley What not to say: risk communication
for botulism..
Biosecurity and bioterrorism : biodefense strategy,
practice, and science. 2008; 6(1): 93-107.
Glik Deborah, Prelip Michael, Myerson Amy, Eilers
Katie Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention using
community-based narrowcasting campaigns..
Health promotion practice. 2008; 9(1): 93-103.
Cordasco Kristina M, Eisenman David P, Glik Deborah
C, Golden Joya F, Asch Steven M "They blew the
levee": distrust of authorities among Hurricane
Katrina evacuees..
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.
2007; 18(2): 277-82.
Eisenman David P, Cordasco Kristina M, Asch Steve,
Golden Joya F, Glik Deborah Disaster planning and
risk communication with vulnerable communities:
lessons from Hurricane Katrina..
American journal of public health. 2007; 97
Suppl 1(2): S109-15.
Glik Deborah C Risk communication for public health
Annual review of public health. 2007; 28(2):
Glik Deborah, Macpherson Fiona, Todd Wendy, Stone
Kathleen, Ang Alfonso, Connell Jones Marcy Impact of
an immunization education program on middle school
American journal of health behavior. 2006;
28(6): 487-97.
Glik Deborah C, Parker Kathleen, Muligande Gabriel,
Hategikamana Bona Integrating qualitative and
qualitative survey techniques. 1986-87..
International quarterly of community health
education. 2006; 25(1-2): 115-33.
Chung Bowen, Corbett Charles Edward, Boulet Barbara,
Cummings Janet R, Paxton Keisha, McDaniel Sharon,
Mercier Sequoia Olivia, Franklin Charla, Mercier
Eric, Jones Loretta, Collins Barry E, Koegel Paul,
Duan Naihua, Wells Kenneth B, Glik Deborah, Glik
Deborah Talking Wellness: a description of a
community-academic partnered project to engage an
African-American community around depression through
the use of poetry, film, and photography..
Ethnicity & disease. 2006; 16(1 Suppl 1):
Dal Santo Janet Abboud, Goodman Robert M, Glik
Deborah, Jackson Kirby Childhood unintentional
injuries: factors predicting injury risk among
Journal of pediatric psychology. 2004; 29(4):
Glik Deborah, Harrison Kim, Davoudi Mehrnaz,
Riopelle Deborah Public perceptions and risk
communications for botulism..
Biosecurity and bioterrorism : biodefense strategy,
practice, and science. 2004; 2(3): 216-23.
Kominski Gerald F, Glik Deborah, Reifman Cori
California's HMO enrollees: diversity in language
and education poses challenges for health plans..
Policy brief (UCLA Center for Health Policy
Research). 2003; 2(PB2003-2): 1-8.
Jiraphongsa Chuleeporn, Danmoensawat Wanna,
Greenland Sander, Frerichs Ralph, Siraprapasiri
Taweesap, Glik Deborah C, Detels Roger Acceptance of
HIV testing and counseling among unmarried young
adults in Northern Thailand..
AIDS education and prevention : official publication
of the International Society for AIDS Education.
2002; 14(2): 89-101.
Glik Deborah, Nowak Glen, Valente Thomas, Sapsis
Karena, Martin Chad Youth performing arts
entertainment-education for HIV/AIDS prevention and
health promotion: practice and research..
Journal of health communication. 2002; 7(1):
Work Address:
Fielding School of Public Health
Community Health Sciences
650 Charles E. Young Drive South
26-081C CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095 |
Work Phone Number: 310-206-9548
Email Address: